Thursday, September 1, 2011

Caramel Cream

4 eggs
Sweetened condensed milk - Half a can
Thick cream - 1 tablespoon
Milk - 1 liter
Vanilla essence
Sugar - 1 and 1/2 tablespoon
cardamom -- 3

for the caramel:
1/2 cup sugar
1 tbsp water

-- in a pan take the milk and the condensed milk, add cardamom and reduce till half the quantity. let it cool a little bit. take out the cardamoms.

-- in another big bowl take the eggs and sugar and beat together. add in the vanilla essence, thick cream and the cooled reduced milk. beat for a minute.

-- in the tin or steel bowl( in my case i use the same bowl to make my pudding in) take the sugar and water and put it on fire. stir until it has the required color and flavor, don't keep it for long because it might get bitter. just when it turns into the light golden color turn off the fire.

-- let the caramel set for a minute and pour in the egg milk mixture.

--in a big pan which has tight lids boil water. the water level should not be more than half of ur pudding tin.

-- place the tin carefully onto water. place the lids on and let the water boil for 20 mins. u can check ur pudding in between, if a steel knife runs clear, the pudding is ready.

-- cool the cream caramel for at least two hours.

Recipe Courtesy: Facebook Page - রান্না বান্না

Photo Courtesy: Google

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